pragnya identity

i worked as a consultant to design an identity for a residential-property developer.

building on a brand-strategy about holistic & balanced living, my identity was modular, flexible, and easy to make symbols or patterns with. once the concept was approved, i helped art-direct some applications so that the company’s designers could continue implementing the identity.

work: graphic design.
credits & project-rights: asymmetrique ; especially: karan’s strategy work, prabhakar’s expertise, and priyanka’s work on the applications.



karan (from asymmetrique) had prepared a brand-strategy document with the client before i was brought in ; after studying the document, i categorised a brand’s keywords (on the left) into form, movement and style (on the right), and then began translating them visually.


developed concept #1

holistic living: situated in a natural environment ; modular homes ; equipped with various amenities for a balanced life. (this concept lacked a strong logo, and so prabhakar and asymmetrique joined-in to develop it.)

developed concept #2

continuous, interconnected forms ; holistic living ; connecting human-living with ample greenery, and all other things-nice.

approved identity

concept #1 was selected by the client ; at this point, asymmetrique took over, preparing collateral and mock-applications for a final presentation.