private two un-professions

scarlet women

scarlet women, who see their vocation as a profession, have their rules. no kissing, for one. men mustn’t approach them for love and comfort and sharing and cuddling; men come to them for one clear thing—scarlet women peddle in the physical (not in persons themselves—that is left to flesh-traders and corporate-hr-managers), and that is what makes them professionals. no kissing, is a rule not to be messed with. yes, flesh is a service they can dole out, but that’s all that is for sale—no emotions, and certainly not their dignity. if it is a kiss that you want, go find yourself a mistress (whatever that is). scarlet women, too, (can) have principles.

there is a method in what scarlet women do. it is quite simple, really—get in, and get out. the process betwixt, is clear. past clients provide recommendations, most cave-sculptures in india are a portfolio of past work (though a lot more work was done, but those hypocrites pulled it down and defaced key details), and if it is an elite stratum that the man looks for, the women may even provide references or present a list or repertoire of the various positions she can adopt. but she shall not demonstrate. whether a client’s ailment is plumpiness, diabetes, baldness, insomnia, or what-not, she merely cites the process, and demands payment in exchange for even the slightest action. there’re no free demonstrations, no "if you like it, please pay me."

some scarlet women don’t really hold these principles on a pedestal. they claim that they "can not" stick to such principles, since needs drive them so—when a premium is on offer, they are willing to peddle whatever is asked, in return for an (even) higher pay. but most such women, merely stick to the statement "can not", whereas they are actually financially sound and uhm, just plain loose. greed, then, is such a fantastic enslaver. these women are the reason why scarlet women are looked down on and jeered, and sneered at as harlots, as those that lack any morals. all because of the women who kiss, who make wives lose husbands.


designers, who see their vocation as a profession, have their rules. no serfdom, for one. clients mustn’t approach them for small side-jobs and free pitches—clients come to them for one clear thing—designers peddle in methods that improve artefacts (not the artefacts themselves—that is left to the engineers and architects and artists), and that is what makes them professionals. no serfdom, is a rule not to be messed with. yes, design methods are a service they can dole out, but that’s all that is for sale—no serfdom, and certainly not their dignity. if it is a slave that you want, go find yourself a freelance photoshopper (whatever that is). designers, too, (can) have principles.

there is a method in what designers do. it is quite simple, really—get in, and get out. the process betwixt, is clear. past clients provide recommendations, the website is a portfolio of past work (though a lot more work was done, but those clients classified it as confidential and forced the designer to blur out key details), and if it is an elite stratum that the client looks for, the designer may even provide references or present a list or repertoire of the various methods that he can adopt. but he shall not demonstrate. whether a client’s domain is a pharmaceuticals, retail, finance, infrastructure, or what-not, he merely cites the process, and demands payment in exchange for even the slightest action. there’re no free demonstrations, no "if you like it, please pay me."

some designers don’t really hold these principles on a pedestal. they claim that they "can not" stick to such principles, since needs drive them so—when a premium is on offer, they are willing to peddle whatever is asked, in return for an (even) higher pay. but most such designers, merely stick to the statement "can not", whereas they are actually financially sound and uhm, just plain loose. greed, then, is such a fantastic enslaver. these designers are the reason why designers are looked down on and mocked, and enslaved as resources, as those that do exactly as they are told. all because of the designers who do spec work, who make the profession lose its dignity.