on participation & performance

delivered a talk on the role of “participation & performance” in my work.

why, how, when, and for whom should design be participatory?
what role does performance have in a designer’s toolkit?

this is a quick overview of things shown, spoken-of, demonstrated, and performed:

designers are information-facilitators. data is not information. in an age where people are numb to graphs-and-charts, make data sensuous in order to make it informative. make things that react, interact, immerse; make experiences that are participatory. let people indulge in your work, to make information memorable. finally, talk about fuzzies. communicate things that are fuzzy or don’t exist yet. speculate. perform your ideas. collaborate with people wildly different from you.

at interfaces monthly, organised by the trampery and the barbican, london.
with thanks to: nadine galea, for performing live while i spoke about collaboration.
images: george darrell